Empowering Alberta's Future

October 08, 2024

ATB Capital Markets' Commitment to Innovation and Energy Leadership  

When Darren Eurich, CEO of ATB Capital Markets, joined ATB Financial in 2011, he had high hopes for the impact the financial institution could have in supporting Alberta businesses.

“ATB embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship with its agile and dynamic organization that matches the culture and spirit of Western Canada. The company's client-centric approach offered me the chance to grow both my career and the organization,” says Eurich about why he decided to join ATB. “I get to work with incredible people, engage with clients and expand our business capabilities. Being part of a team that’s building something impactful to empower our clients and help them achieve their dreams is what inspires me every day.”

When ATB Capital Markets was formed in 2020 as a response to the market’s need for additional sources of capital, Eurich was tapped to lead the team that provides comprehensive corporate and capital market guidance, paired with strong financial solutions. As a full-service investment dealer, ATB Capital Markets focuses on supporting key industries poised for transformative growth.

He considers the energy space to be, “not just critical to Alberta’s economy, but the backbone of Western Canada.”

ATB Capital Markets is heavily invested in the energy sector.

Eurich explains, “ATB has been a steadfast partner in the oil and gas sector for over 40 years, demonstrating unwavering commitment even as eastern banks are reducing their support in this space. Despite the inherent uncertainties and risks in the energy sector, we acknowledge its crucial role and the essential need for capital and advisory services. Over the past four years, we have increased our commitments by $4 billion, stepping in to address this critical need and support the sector."

"We believe in the paramount importance of this industry for Albertans and Canadians alike. Energy security will remain a vital conversation for decades, and we are dedicated to supporting our clients in their transition to hydrogen, electrical grid buildouts and more. These are all part of the energy ecosystem. By supporting the parts, we support the whole.”

A big part of it is the increasing shift in the renewables market, an area which ATB Capital Markets supports.

“ATB Capital Markets has been involved in over 60 per cent of the renewable projects that have taken place in Alberta over a number of years. We plan on being involved in nuclear as that sector grows. EVs, battery storage and more – our strategy is to ensure we are always at the core, building around all the pieces of the puzzle.”

He considers the people working at ATB Capital Markets to be the centre of the institution’s success.

“One of our key strengths is that most of our credit people are right here in the building with us. They understand Alberta and are familiar with the province's dynamics. Being local means that we make our decisions here. We take pride in our understanding of the industry’s dynamics, whether in real estate, agriculture or energy. This local ATB insight is our strength. It allows us to be innovative and offer creative solutions that other banks can’t. We have boots on the ground. Our clients benefit from this advantage, setting us apart from the competition.”

While Alberta offers many exciting opportunities, the natural boom and bust nature of the province also presents significant challenges.

Eurich explains, “Currently, clients are in a strong position thanks to favourable oil prices. We focus on risk mitigation and provide crucial advisory support, which is a key component of our services. We're here to assist, advise and empower clients to discover solutions and pathways – whether it's raising equity, buying or selling, depending on their needs. We're developing this expertise within the industry to help clients navigate volatility effectively. While market fluctuations are inevitable in commodity sectors like agriculture, minerals and oil and gas, the difference lies in how they are managed. Our local presence gives us deeper insight and patience, allowing us to take pride in our clients’ success and ensure they thrive. Being local is vital to us.”

Despite the challenges, Eurich feels there is truly, “no place like home.”

“The modern Alberta advantage is driven by a few key factors,” he says. “First, it's the people—those with an entrepreneurial spirit and the resilience to weather booms and busts. There's pride in being Western Canadian, and we have a lot to offer the world. From a banking perspective, we boast the best team in North America, continually building and improving, taking steps forward every day. Our 'get stuff done' attitude is highly appreciated, especially now, and it's a cornerstone of what I see as the Alberta advantage.”

He wishes the world could see the strength of the Alberta advantage in a more favourable light.

“When it comes to energy interests, I believe Alberta has not been accurately represented on the global stage. We are among the cleanest producers in the world with cutting-edge technology, and we care deeply about the environment. While the industry as a whole was initially quiet, we are now more assertive with our messaging and we’re getting better at sharing our story. We are leaders in green technology. While we're still on the journey, we are transitioning to other energy sources. Oil and gas will remain crucial for at least the next 25 years. Energy scarcity is a growing concern with population increases, computing demands continue to grow and urbanization continues. We need a balanced approach that includes both traditional and transitional energy sources."

“While we continue to transition into other sources, oil and gas is not going away anytime soon. It is going to be just as important as it is today, alongside new developments in transitional energy that will help drive the world forward. We need the best of both to thrive. ATB Capital Markets is well-positioned to be part of both.”

ATB Capital Markets is moving forward with a strong position and clear vision.

“We have alignment across our organization – from our board of directors to our front lines. We are all committed to supporting the energy sector. This level of commitment can seem rare for a financial institution, but we won't hesitate to show up for this sector and our province.”

From the October 2024 edition of The Business of Energy. (https://businessofenergy.ca/